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Emakimono scroll 絵巻 - 狩野栄信: Kano Naganobu, 山水図 Landscape scroll, ca. 1800

Emakimono scroll 絵巻 - 狩野栄信: Kano Naganobu, 山水図 Landscape scroll, ca. 1800

Regular price €750,00 EUR
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  1. Full Name and Titles:
    • His full name is "狩野伊川院栄信" (Kano Isen'in Naganobu), but he is commonly known as "伊川院栄信" (Isen'in Naganobu).
    • He also held titles such as "伊川" (Isen) and "伊川院" (Isen'in / Eishin).
    • Additionally, he used the pseudonym "玄賞斎" (Gensho Sai).

狩野伊川院栄信 Kano Isenin Naganobu (1775-1828)

Painter of the Kano school in the late Edo period. Born in Edo, the son of 狩野養川院惟信 Kano Yosenin Korenobu (1753-1808), he was the eighth generation of the Kano family of Kobikicho. He is said to have been a master of the tea ceremony and to have received the patronage of 松平不昧 Matsudaira Fumai (1751-1818). He was blessed with a talent for painting, many of the existing works are excellent and powerful. He succeeded in creating a refreshingly deep screen space by incorporating perspective into his paintings. He also revived elegant ink painting in the style of Kano Naonobu, and actively adopted the influence of the Nagasaki school and Nanpin school of painting, as well as the detailed and richly colored painting techniques of Yamato-e.


Original handpainted scroll, size 27x 1015cm (10 meter). The scroll has been professionally remounted and cleaned. Some previous minor tape repairs at the beggining of the scroll. A real treasure for any serious collector!

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