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Nishiki-e shūshindan 錦絵修身談 (Brocade Pictures for Moral Education) / 幼女兄を愛して白刃の下に立つ "Standing beneath the white blade, loving the younger sister"/ 小林年参 Kobayashi Toshimitsu (active 1876–1904)

Nishiki-e shūshindan 錦絵修身談 (Brocade Pictures for Moral Education) / 幼女兄を愛して白刃の下に立つ "Standing beneath the white blade, loving the younger sister"/ 小林年参 Kobayashi Toshimitsu (active 1876–1904)

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Comprehensive info on Yoshitoshi' series and complementary prints, with info for every print
Anything you want to know about this series is there. Quite rare designs.

Year: 1883

Title of the series: "Nishiki-e shūshindan" 錦絵修身談 (Brocade Pictures for Moral Education)
This print title: 幼女兄を愛して白刃の下に立つ "Standing beneath the white blade, loving the younger sister"

The six Yoshitoshi volumes were accompanied by

The Ninety-Two Oban-size Color Prints Issued in 1883 As Supplements
to the Textbooks "Nishiki-e shūshindan" 錦絵修身談

In October 1883 [see "Dating the Prints", below] a set of ninety-two full-color oban-size prints designed by students of Yoshitoshi were published by Tsuji Keiji and his publishing house Fukyūsha as supplements, or accompaniments, to the six volume set of textbooks. These prints illustrated the ninety-one short stories in the six volumes. A number of the prints issued were based upon Yoshitoshi's black and white illustrations in the texts. Each of the full-color prints carries the same title as the textbooks, 錦絵修身談 (Brocade Prints for Moral Education), along with the volume number, across its top. The story name, along with its number in the volume it appears in and the page number of the portion of the text it is illustrating appears in a vertical red cartouche.

Publisher Tsuji Keiji 辻敬之
Publishing house Fukyūsha 普及舎.

Info for this print:

after Yoshitoshi's black & white design in Volume 5, story 5
年参写 Toshimitsu utsushi
年親校 Toshichika kō

artist names:
小林年参 Kobayashi Toshimitsu
富永年親 Tominaga Toshichika
ホリキク (Carver: Hori Kiku)

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